The course is an introduction to the skills of battlefield guiding. It is aimed at people considering developing their skills either as a volunteer or a professional or for a professional tour guide seeking to extend their expertise to cover battlefields. The course is based on the competences of the International Guild of Battlefield Guides. (GBG) the trade body which assesses and awards its Badge to guides who demonstrate their competence through the Guild Validation programme. The course is intended to give students a start in developing the skills and competences to become battlefield guide.
What topics will we cover?
We will cover the following:-
- An introduction to battlefield guiding
- The military history, presentation and duty of care knowledge and skills expected of a competent guide.
- Legal obligations
- Working as a guide
- Developing a personal learning programme towards the Guild Badge
- Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course you should be able to:
- Identify the obligations of the guide in providing a battlefield tour
- State the key competences of the Guild of Battlefield Guides’ validation programme and the standards of competences needed
- Carry out your own simple self assessment of personal training needs
- Plan you own personal development programme towards achieving the standards expected of a competent guide
What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?
The course is set at the level of an intelligent lay-person with an interest in military history. Participants will need to have a general knowledge of military history.

How will I be taught, and will there be any work outside the class?
The instruction will be in the form of tutor presentations, class and group discussions, and interactive exercises. There will be homework and a practical assignment between the first and second day. Participants will be expected to prepare and deliver short presentation

The Devereux, 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ
10.00 – 17.30 on the weekend 7-8th January 2022. Newton Room above The Devereux, 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ
Cost £150
To book or find out more, contact Frank Baldwin by email or telephone 0781 317 9668